Saturday, February 15, 2020

Summary and conclusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Summary and conclusion - Essay Example Investigations need to be carried out in order to create a pollution free shed. Urban stream parameters of shed need to be investigated as well. Major reasons that these investigations should be carried out are to identify the presence of heavy metals in the shed and to make sure that they stay in required limits or steps taken if their quantity increases. Investigations should also be carried out on shed’s river basin to ascertain its water quality and to render it fit for use or otherwise. Industrial wastes, use of land for ecological contamination and mixing of shed’s water with wastes are the reasons behind these investigations too. Three groups were established for the purpose of investigation. Each group was assigned to analyze the water shed for three different types of contaminants namely heavy metals, Nutrients and the third group would conduct a site survey. The presence and quantity of heavy metals such as Alkalinity and chromium etc. and nutrients such as ni trates and phosphates etc was to be ascertained by the groups. Site survey group was supposed to analyze water for turbidity, ammonia and chlorine etc. Samples were taken and sent to lab tests specific for each of the analyte performed. The results were recorded in PPM i.e. parts per million. The sample turning Pink, Dark pink and Dark blue indicated the presence of Alkalinity, Chromium and Copper. For nutrients, A dark blue color indicated phosphates, Dark pink color indicated excessive amounts of nitrates and an orange color of the sample indicated the presence of dissolved oxygen the presence of which is considered very crucial for aquatic life and its sustainability. The tests that were conducted by the Site Survey group indicated the presence of contaminants as follows: A dark pink color indicated excessive chlorine in water although chlorine is usually not present in fresh water. Light green to dark blue color indicated the presence of Ammonia in quantities from less to excess ive and turbity was identified by the level of clouding present in the sample tubes. When compared, the results of the two samples taken from South Platte and Cherry Creek came out relatively different. Both the samples had good quantities of dissolved Oxygen although their values differ due to the location of the samples taken from. Another important factor that stood in the results was the dangerous levels of nitrates found in certain areas of the river basin and shed making the water unsafe for use in those areas. Alkalinity was consistent in shed as well as the areas of river basin. Hardness also varied in different areas but it is of not much concern as hard water has been acclaimed fit for use due to the presence of minerals and nutrients in it which are rather healthy. Turbidity in those areas was also found to be varying. All these contaminants varying in their actual quantities giving varying results is supposed to be different nature of water and soil in the areas from whe re these samples were taken. As the composition of the soil underneath changes with area, there is a very strong chance that the constituents, alkalinity and hardness of water might also change in that area. Also, different contaminants entered the stream at different levels such as industrial waste and ecological contamination. It may also affect the constituency of water and make it more or less harmful. Good levels of dissolved oxygen found in the water made it fit for the aquatic life to survive but at the same time increased quantities of

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Meditations on First Philosophy by Ren Descartes Essay

Meditations on First Philosophy by Ren Descartes - Essay Example For the first mediation, the philosopher realizes that throughout his life he has accepted great many falsehoods as truth and based since he judged their validity through his senses. However he has realized that his senses are not objective and can easily be deceived or manipulated, thus for him to find the ultimate truth that cannot be questioned, he needs must deconstruct everything he has learnt so far. He decides them to demolish all his former beliefs and assertions upon which doubt can be cast and start afresh with, what he can be sure can be verified as true beyond any doubt. However, the mediator does not examine for doubt his former believes individually, he puts them together and questions their authenticity by introspecting on the method by which he formed these conclusions. Ultimately, he realizes that the conclusions on which he has based opinions were formed by means of senses he admits that human senses are on the large quite sturdy. At most, they are only likely to mi sconceive when it comes to small far away object; he acquiesces to the fact that his senses have in the past played him false on several occasions. Bearing that in mind, he concludes that t would be unwise, nonetheless, to trust wholly anything has proven capable of deception in the past. Ergo, Descartes creates enough reason and justification to put into doubt what he has learnt through the five human senses, which are also the primary method by which scientific data is collected. As he is creating this line of thought, the philosopher seated by the fire realizes that by virtue of the fact he can feel the warmth of the fire and determine that he is awake and alert. However, this reasoning is easily challenged under the theory of doubt; he says that although he uses the fire to determine he is awake, even when he is dreaming, he experiences similar sensations to the ones he is currently feeling. Descartes also argues that even in matters of simple arithmetic and geometry, it is poss ible to be misguided and deceived; he presumes that since he at times assumes that others may be wrong in a matter in which they believe are right, such may still be applied to him by a higher being. As such, it is possible when he adds two and two to find four or when he counts four sides in a square; it is possible he is being deceived. The superior being in this case would be God who is supposed to be all good and all-powerful; if his existence is real, then it translates that the simple perceptions such as arithmetic problems should be real. However, that would only be true under the premises that God does indeed exist and possess the aforementioned attributes, the other option would be that God is capable of deliberately deceiving us or that he does not exist. Under the premises of his nonexistence, it would then mean that man is controlled and manipulated by another being, which postulates could be an evil genius, as opposed to, a supremely good God or possibly in his place. H e thus determines that in consideration of such occurrences being true, in his mediation he would suspend his believes on the authenticity of even these elementary truths. Such are the basic parts that make up the universe such as colors shapes and numbers viewing them as â€Å"nothing but bedeviling hoaxes of my dreams†, which the deceiver can lay snares for his skepticism. The second mediation serves to develop